constcoder={name:'Elyes Ben Khoud',skills:['Javascript', 'Typescript', 'React', 'NextJS', 'Redux', 'TailwindCss', 'GraphQL', 'Express', 'NestJS', 'MySql', 'MongoDB', 'Docker', 'AWS'],hardWorker:true,quickLearner:true,problemSolver:true,decisionMaker:true,hireable:function() {return(this.hardWorker&&this.problemSolver&&this.skills.length>=5);};};
Who I am?
I'm a web developer based in Cluj-napoca specialize in Frontend engineering, focusing on building high quality web experiences. Seeking to leverage my expertise in system architecture to contribute to innovative projects that drive business growth and improve user experiences at Tech Co.
constproject={name:'Stromerbike',tools: ['NextJS', 'Typescript', 'ContextAPI', 'TailwindCss', 'AWS', 'AWS S3', 'CI/CD],myRole:Full stack Developer,Description: The vision for the Stromer was to build an e-bike that is not only significantly faster than all previous ones, but also clearly stands out from the dusty, stepmotherly image. The Stromer V1 caused an earthquake in the e-bike industry.,};
Saas Rent-car
constproject={name:'Saas Rent-car',tools: ['NextJS', 'Typescript', 'ContextAPI', 'TailwindCss],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: Rent Car platform showcase using Rapid API and set for using in real life with backend interaction and dashboard admin handling all data displayed within the UI.,};
Caroline Seiffert
constproject={name:'Caroline Seiffert',tools: ['NextJS', 'Material UI', 'Redux', 'Styled Components],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: Website for Caroline Seiffert ― a visual artist whose skill-on photographs are still life compositions of found everyday objects and all their surroundings. They arise from a natural flow of intuition and an open-hearted view.,};
Viasat Streamon
constproject={name:'Viasat Streamon',tools: ['React', 'Bootstrap', 'SCSS', 'Express', 'TypeScript', 'MongoDB],myRole:Full Stack Developer,Description: My viasat customer billing application and usage track view for myViasat user in order to buy , get billing and other features can use in order to reach the best user experience.,};
My Viasat
constproject={name:'My Viasat',tools: ['NextJS', 'Tailwind CSS', 'TypeScript', 'GraphQl', 'Redux', 'TDD', 'Storybook', 'Cypress', 'CI/CD],myRole:Frontend Developer,Description: My viasat customer billing application and usage track view for myViasat user in order to buy , get billing and other features can use in order to reach the best user experience.,};
constproject={name:'Corea-auto',tools: ['Express', 'MongoDB', 'React', 'TypeScript],myRole:Frontend Developer,Description: Corea Auto stands as a premier car dealership located in the upper echelon of South Korea, offering a comprehensive online platform where users can conveniently browse through an extensive inventory of vehicles. From the latest models to pre-owned classics, our website provides detailed information on available cars, allowing users to explore various makes, models, and specifications. Whether you're in search of a sleek sedan, a rugged SUV, or a luxurious coupe, Corea Auto's website serves as your go-to destination for discovering the perfect vehicle to suit your needs. With user-friendly navigation and informative listings, finding your dream car has never been easier. Explore our selection, compare features, and embark on your journey towards automotive excellence with Corea Auto.,};